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Bighton Public House

We are often approached by residents, residents’ groups and bodies such as Parish Councils and asked to help them object to planning proposals in their area or near to their property.

A good example of this is the former English Partridge public house in Bighton, near Alresford. The Pub had closed, with the owner claiming that it was unviable. The local community had successfully applied to the local authority to designate it as an Asset of Community Value, which meant that if it was ever sold it had to be offered to the local community first. A consortium of locals had already offered to buy it, but the owner refused.

The owner then applied for planning permission to build an infill dwelling within the grounds of the pub (approximately 40% of the site area). A large number of local residents objected, claiming that if permission was granted it would seriously undermine the future viability of the pub.

We were approached by the Parish Council and instructed to submit a letter of objection on their behalf. Particular emphasis was placed on Local Plan Policy CP6, which concerns the protection of community assets. The planning application was recommended for approval by officers, but had to be reported to the planning committee due to the high number of objections that had been submitted. We attended and spoke against the application along with another local resident. The application was unanimously refused by the committee. The owner then lodged an appeal. We were instructed by the Parish Council to represent them at the appeal, which was duly dismissed, to the delight of the local community.

The owner agreed to sell the pub to the consortium. The public house was changed back to its original name ‘The Three Horseshoes’ and after some renovation works, re-opened to the community in May 2020.